Stay Curious – “Sci-Fi”

About Stay Curious – “Sci-Fi”

Stay Curious is the online event series by beyond tellerrand. This time with Jeremy Keith and Steph Troeth and the topic/theme "Sci-Fi"!

I am stoked to welcome my two guests for this show. Not only, because I like Steph and Jeremy, but also, because you’d probably expect them to talk web. But you guessed wrong here. This show is all about Sci-Fi. With its roots in fantasy, horror, superhero and alike, Sci-Fi has a lot of subgenres about which we’ll hear and learn today. Fasten your seatbelt, we are about to take off …


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Learn more about Steph Troeth

Strategist & Researcher. Writer, podcast addict, slow food aficionada. Usually found under an avalanche of Post-Its.

of Clearleft
Learn more about Jeremy Keith

Mediocre middle-aged white man from Ireland, working with @Clearleft, playing music with @SalterCane, creator of @Huffduffer, curator of @SessionUpdates.

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