beyond tellerrand // BERLIN 2019

About beyond tellerrand // BERLIN 2019

beyond tellerrand is back in Berlin for year 6. Once more brings creative and curious minds together, interested in design, web and technology.



Learn more about Charlotte Dann

designer/developer/maker @hexatope // reader (link: // ?

Learn more about Anna Ginsburg

Director@Strange Beasts

Learn more about Mike Hill

Designer - LoveDeath+Robots/ BladeRunner2049 / Dune / Halo / CallofDuty / HorizonZeroDawn

Learn more about Seb Lester

Letterforms, Patterns & Ornament.

Learn more about Sharon Steed

Speaker. Author. Stutterer. Global citizen. #EngageEmpathy.

Learn more about Burton Rast

Burton is a lifelong designer and creative technologist. Previously at IDEO and AIGA, he is now a UX Design Lead on Google's privacy and data protection team.

Learn more about Jason Pamental

Jason spends much of his time working with clients to establish their typographic systems and digital strategy, helping design and development teams works smarter and faster, and running workshops about all of the above. He is a seasoned design and user experience strategy leader with over 20 years’ experience on the web in both creative and technical roles, and an Invited Expert to the W3C Web Fonts Working Group. Clients range from type industry giants, Ivy League and High Tech, to the NFL and America’s Cup. He also researches and writes on typography for the web: he’s author of Responsive Typography from O’Reilly, articles for .Net Magazine, PRINT Magazine, HOW,, and frequent podcast guest. Author of online courses for Aquent’s Gymnasium platform and Frontend Masters. He’s an experienced speaker and workshop leader, having presented at over 50 national and international conferences. The real story: mainly he just follows Tristan and Tillie around Turner Reservoir, posting photos on Instagram.

Learn more about Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith lives in Brighton, England where he makes websites with the splendid design agency Clearleft. You may know him from such books as DOM Scripting, Bulletproof Ajax, HTML5 For Web Designers, Resilient Web Design, and, most recently, Going Offline. He curated the dConstruct conference for a number of years as well as Brighton SF, and he organised the world's first Science Hack Day. He also made the website Huffduffer to allow people to make podcasts of found sounds—it's like Instapaper for audio files. Hailing from Erin's green shores, Jeremy maintains his link to Irish traditional music running the community site The Session. He also indulges a darker side of his bouzouki-playing in the band Salter Cane. Jeremy spends most of his time goofing off on the internet, documenting his time-wasting on, where he has been writing for over fifteen years.

Learn more about Cassie Evans

Cassie has a lot of love for animation, especially animation on the web. She can usually be found tinkering on Codepen and nerding out about colour palettes. She is a core organiser of codebar Brighton, a non-profit initiative that runs free programming workshops and currently works as a Front-end Developer at Clearleft in Brighton.


Early Bird € 199 Regular Pass € 299


Festsaal Kreuzberg
Am Flutgraben 2
12435, Berlin

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Workshops at beyond tellerrand // BERLIN 2019

Letterpress Workshop with Erik Spiekermann with Erik Spiekermann
16 Nov 2019 - 16 Nov 2019
Get your hands dirty and explore the fundamentals of letterpress. Theoretical and mostly practical work is waiting for you. Erik Spiekermann and Jan Gassel opened this lovely space p98a in Berlin a few years ago. It is wonderful to experience working with letterpress and everybody who attended the always sold-out workshop each year, loved it.
Price: €369
Pre-Conference Warm-Up with beyond tellerrand
13 Nov 2019 - 13 Nov 2019
The usual warm-up to get into the right mood for the upcoming event and to meet people attending beyond tellerrand.
Price: free
Modern CSS, Dynamic Typography, and Variable Fonts with Jason Pamental
13 Nov 2019 - 13 Nov 2019
Come take a deep dive into the most fundamental part of the interface between your site and your viewers: the type. We’ll dig into the concepts of responsive type and typography, how to make it fast, and how to use modern web development techniques and technologies to make your typography work better and be more engaging than you ever thought possible. We’ll also explore how classic typographic techniques translate to the web, and how those techniques can inform how the web develops in the future.
Price: 349