CXI Con­fe­ren­ce

About CXI Con­fe­ren­ce

CXI conference is an one-day brand and cor­po­rate iden­tity event organized by Bie­le­feld School of Design. During the sessions questions like: What de­fi­nes the ef­fec­tiven­ess of a corporate identity pro­ject? What ex­actly is nee­ded, from both cli­ent and agency? And how can such a com­plex pro­cess be im­ple­men­ted in a way that works? Will be addressed, next to showcasing re-design for big brands.

Read our interview with Prof. Robert Paulmann, of Bielefeld School of Design, who is organizing the CXI conference. Or the review of #cxi16

The pro­gram will be re­leased in Mar­ch 2017.

Session wil be in German and English.


  • Steven Cook
  • Didrik A. Fjeldstad
  • Marcus Gärde
  • Greg Hahn
  • Prof. Achim Heine
  • Stefanie Hering
  • Dr. Jan Metzler
  • Ryan Moore
  • Khanna \ Reidinga
  • Adrian Nilsson
  • Falko Ohlmer
  • Maria Soni Reissfelder
  • Matt Schoen
  • Nick Sohnemann


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