The Messyverse

  • Location
    Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Attendance
    In-person Event
  • Host

About The Messyverse

THE MESSYVERSE is a dynamic, large-scale event during Amsterdam Fashion Week. The two-day festival takes place September 2 and 3, 2023 at Felix Meritis in Amsterdam, and serves as the kick off for the art exhibition, which offers a deeper engagement with these issues over it's five week run

THE MESSYVERSE is a festival and art exhibition bringing twenty-nine creators together with the general public in search of answers and inspiration. Through art installations that stimulate all the senses and embrace the vastness of what is possible within all these new virtual realms, the Messyverse brings contemporary choices to life in a tangible and moving way. If individual self expression is the "currency" of the metaverse, what is the collective context in which it happens? In what worlds should these re-imagined identities live in? Will society simply choose shinier versions of ourselves, or create complex virtual worlds that expand our notion of what is possible? THE MESSYVERSE invites you on a collective journey to discover if -- and how -- web 3.0 can remedy the drawbacks of web 2.0. The program is created in collaboration with VideOrbit Studio and Based3D.



Normaal: 19,00 CJP/Student/65+/Stadpas: 16,50


Felix Meritis
Keizersgracht 324
1016EZ, Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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