CXI Brand Conference

About CXI Brand Conference

The 13th edition of CXI Brand talks! CXI is a one-day corporate and brand iden­tity event organized by Bie­le­feld School of Design. During the sessions questions like "What de­fi­nes the ef­fec­tiven­ess of a corporate identity pro­ject?", "What ex­actly is nee­ded, from both cli­ent and agency?", and "how can such a com­plex pro­cess be im­ple­men­ted in a way that works?" will be addressed, next to showcasing re-designs for big brands.

In branding projects many fac­tors are at play – and num­ber one is the qual­i­ty of the col­lab­o­ra­tion between agency and client. This is why CXI features presentations from both sides, covering the creation as well as the development of a project. Select­ed clients and agen­cies will be show­ing TOGETHER how things look from both sides of the part­ner­ship, iden­ti­fy­ing prob­lem areas and pre­sent­ing solu­tions. They will give insights into the com­plex­i­ty and sheer breadth of what is involved in defin­ing a project, bring­ing clar­i­ty to desired out­comes, deci­sions that are made to achieve these, and the results that can be expect­ed. CXI has been run­ning since 2009, and with 1000 atten­dees has become the largest cor­po­rate and brand iden­ti­ty con­fer­ence.



of Strichpunkt
of Veolia Towers Hamburg
of Jokolade
of Sherpa Design
Martina Miocevic
of Designstudio Mathilda Mutant
of Saffron Consultants
of Strichpunkt
of Founderland
of Sherpa Design

CXI Brand Conference trailer


8€ – 152€


Stadtheider Strasse 11
33609, Bielefeld

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