Porto Design Summer School
- LocationPorto, Portugal
- Attendance
- Travel
About Porto Design Summer School
The Porto Design Summer School, now in its 7th edition, is an intensive two week workshop led by renowned international graphic designers where participants can explore the creative possibilities of editorial design, by examining typographic systems, hierarchy and composition, narrative structure, navigation, cover design, editing and notions of authorship.
The course sets out a practical outcome for each participant in the form of an individual editorial project that develops personal interests. The aim is to expand technical and conceptual skills and thus move participants closer to finding a unique outlook and signature as a graphic designer. Course fees include tuition, lectures, individual accommodation, and all programme receptions. It does not include flights. We welcome students and professionals alike, and anyone who has a real passion for editorial design.
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- Andrew Howard
- Hamish Muir
- Ronnie Fueglister
- Guest tutor to be announced
Palacete dos Viscondes de Balsemão
Praça de Carlos Alberto 71
4050-157, Porto