Brand New Conference

About Brand New Conference

A two-day event, focusing on the practice of corporate and brand identity. Offering a broad range of points of view with speakers from around the world practicing in different environments, from global consultancies, to in-house groups, to small firms.


  • Jonathan Hoefler
  • Philippe Apeloig
  • Andrew Schapiro
  • Tom Geismar
  • Ivan Chermayeff
  • Sagi Haviv
  • Paula Scher
  • Hilary Greenbaum
  • Rodney Abbot
  • Larry Pipitone
  • Eric Collins
  • Joey Ellis
  • Christine Taylor
  • Fredrik Öst
  • Magnus Berg
  • Johnny Earle aka "Cupcakes"
  • Gabor Schreier
  • Julia Hoffman
  • Brett Wickens
  • Emily Oberman
  • Greg Hahn
  • Ryan Moore
  • David Heasty
  • Stefanie Weigler
  • Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich
  • Susan Skarsgard
  • Ty Mattson

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