Hatch Conference 2023

About Hatch Conference 2023

HATCH is an invite-only event for experienced UX & Product Designers, taking place in Berlin, Germany and streaming to the world. Featuring talks and online workshops from international design leaders.

HATCH is an invite-only event for Senior UX & Product Designers and above, happening in Berlin, Germany and streaming world-wide. Attend online and stream the conference, get access to the recordings for 6 months and participate from the interactive sessions.




of Atomic Design
Learn more about Brad Frost

American design system consultant, web designer, speaker, writer, and musician. Author of "Atomic Design"

Learn more about Jaime Levy

Jaime Levy is a UX/product strategist, author, and public speaker based in Los Angeles and Berlin. Her passion is to help business leaders and internal teams transform their product visions into innovative digital solutions that customers want. Her best-selling O’Reilly Media book is called UX Strategy: Product Strategy Techniques for Devising Innovative Digital Solutions. The book presents a solid framework on the practice, which lies at the intersection of UX design and business strategy.

of Instagram
Learn more about Temi Adeniyi

A leader and designer with over 12 years of industry experience. My work has run the gamut from digital and motion design in advertising to product design for various services and now, building and leading talented, award-winning design teams.

José Torre
Learn more about José Torre

José has been working on design since over 15 years. You might have seen one of his Keynotes, which have the special characteristic of being fully illustrated. He works at Shopify, and having had a big impact in the Polaris design system, he's used his learnings to publish articles and create engaging talks for conferences and other formats.

Virtual Location


Silent Green Kulturquartier
Gerichtstraße 35
13347, Berlin

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Workshops at Hatch Conference 2023

Taking your UI from Good to Great with Dmitry Novikov
6 Oct 2023 - 6 Oct 2023
What makes the software exceptional and lovable? Well, a lot. But can we make our products better without decades of experience? In this session, I share my small tips and tricks about colour, harmony, typography, autolayout, logic, navigation, and animation, which make a huge difference.
Price: Free with Online Ticket
The art of giving impactful creative feedback with Natalia Bulashenko
6 Oct 2023 - 6 Oct 2023
Creative feedback shapes and enhances design work, but we often refrain from supporting our peers to avoid hurting their feelings. Learn techniques and communication strategies to positively influence others and deliver feedback confidently. Say goodbye to the dreadful feedback sandwich approach and develop your skills to provide constructive feedback that fosters trust and encourages growth. No more sugarcoating or holding back—let's create a culture of open communication and valuable critique.
Price: Free with Online Ticket
Prototyping spatial interactions with Hand tracking with Oleg Frolov
6 Oct 2023 - 6 Oct 2023
Spatial computing and design are getting mainstream. As a designer, it's good to be familiar with some tools that can help you to design and prototype spatial experiences. One of the most popular apps for that is Unity3D. During the workshop, we will set up an environment with Unity3D and create an interactive wrist menu that works with a hand-tracking system using built-in tools and some packages. No coding experience is required.
Price: Free with Online Ticket
Designing for privacy and consent in a data driven world with Kyle Tsai-Simek
6 Oct 2023 - 6 Oct 2023
Products today operate in an environment with increasing scrutiny and sensitivity around data. Designers have to carefully incorporate internal company policies, external platform policies, as well as region-specific regulations for critical UX journeys, such as onboarding and permissions. In this workshop, we'll investigate what the status quo is in informed consent, and work together to see how designers can push further using various HCI methods while balancing performant user experiences.
Price: Free with Online Ticket