Marc Thiele, the man behind beyond tellerrand

Beyond tellerrand is an all things web event for designers, developers and other creative minds. Founded in 2010, beyond tellerrand, takes place two times a year. In Düsseldorf every May and in November the event settles down in Berlin.

The events take place over two days and every edition has over 500 attendees. The core of the conference is a wide mix of web related topics, spiced up with non web sessions. Presentations go from CSS to type design, graphic design to technical. During the days before and after the conference there are multiple side-events and full-day workshops that dive deep into related topics.

I met Marc, at his home office in Krefeld. There we chatted about how he became a full time conference organizer and how he curates the perfect line-up for beyond tellerrand with the latest insights, massive inspiration and hosts interesting side-events. He also let us in on a little thing called #madswag, on which Marc wrote a very open article explaining every consideration he makes getting the wright swag at beyond tellerrand.

Marc Thiele on how he became a event organizer.

Marc Thiele on how he curates beyond tellerrand.

Marc Thiele shares his vision on the necessity of side events.

Marc Thiele on #madswag the promotional products created by partners of beyond tellerrand.

Lastly, Marc let us in on beyond tellerrand signature drink.

There is no real signature drink. But I like gin and whiskey. At the event we’ve tried craft beer, but in Germany that is not really big yet. The closing party serves beer, wine and non alcoholic drinks. But maybe in the future it would be nice to have a whiskey tasting experience!

Upcoming editions of beyond tellerrand

  • Düsseldorf, 15 - 17 May 2017. Speakers are: Jina Anne, Jonathan Barnbrook, Nadieh Bremer, Espen Brunborg, Sarah Drasner, Phil Hawksworth, Christian Heilmann, Mario Klingemann, Seb Lester, Yuko Shimizu, Sharon Steed, Patty Toland, Ellen de Vries.
  • Berlin, 6 - 8 November 2017. Vasilis van Gemert, Pip Jamieson, Paula Scher, Jonathan Snook, Elliot Jay Stocks. More to be announced…
  • Düsseldorf, 14 - 16 May 2018
  • Berlin, 5 - 7 November 2018

Curious to see, hear and learn from previous speaker sessions or see some of the beyond tellerrand opening titels? The video channel of beyond tellerrand has it all and goes back to 2010. With sessions by Brad Frost, Erik van Blokland, Jessica Hische, Rachel Nabors, Jeff Greenspan, Chip Kidd, Erik Spiekermann and Stefan Sagmeister.

Many thanks to Suedy Mauricio for editing the video.

beyond tellerrand

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